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Click on the link below to see the latest guidance issued by South Glos to help parents guide children about the safe use of the internet at home:

Information for Parents

On the right hand side of the page, you may access a range of documents giving helpful advice about popular games and apps and how to manage cyber-bullying.

This informative and useful parent guide to internet safety has been written by Headteacher Steve Kirkpatrick of Willowtree Primary School, Salford. We think it is so well written and easy to understand that we’ve uploaded a copy of it for you here. Click the link below to download the guide. You could use it to update your own knowledge or share it with your child to make sure they are aware of how to keep themselves safe when using the internet.

internet safety parents’ guide

Keeping Safe

  • Discuss user names with children and talk about how to choose them carefully to protect their identity.

  • Talk to young people about the information they should keep private in order to prevent them being contacted or traced including full name, address, telephone no, school, places they do regularly.

  • Talk to young people about the need to limit access to their own information by using the safety and privacy features of sites to only give access to people they know and being careful who they add as friends.

  • Model safe behaviour in your use of ICT.

Research and Fun on the internet

  • Talk to your child about the fact that any information published on the web can be read by anyone and that they should only publish information they would be happy for anyone to read.

  • Check information that younger users are publishing on the web before it is posted to ensure that they are not putting themselves at risk.

  • Check that they are old enough for the sites they are using.


  • Discuss the need for young people to be polite to others online and that they should not use bad language or comments which might upset others.

  • Discuss the fact that e-mails / messages can be intercepted and forwarded on to anyone (including parents, head teacher or future employer!).

  • Ensure that young people know they should not open messages if the subject field contains anything offensive or if they do not recognise who it is from and that the safest thing to do is to delete it without opening it.

  • Recognise that there is a difference between online friends who you will never meet and real world friends. Talk to your child about their online friends.

  • Remind your child that people they talk to online may not be who they seem.


  • Ensure your child knows that downloading games and music that is copyrighted without paying for it is illegal

Buying and Selling Online

  • Help young people to tell the difference between web sites for information and web sites selling things.

  • Discuss how to recognise commercial uses of the internet e.g. I Tunes, mobile phone downloads, shopping.

  • Remind young people that if an offer looks too good to be true it probably is and that they should not respond to unsolicited online offers.

  • Remind young people that they should not purchase or download anything that costs money without asking permission and that they should not use someone else’s identity to buy things online.


  • Ensure that they know that if they receive an offensive or worrying message / e-mail they should not reply but should save it and tell you.

For more detailed advice please click on the following links:

Online gaming – Introduction for parents




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