Becoming the best we can

The School Day

All children should be in school for registration by 8.45am. 

  • The gates open at 8.30am and a member of staff is present outside from this time.

  • The bell rings at 8.40am. Children are greeted by their teacher and they then line up and go into class.

  • The gates remain open until 8.45am so any child arriving just after the class have gone inside are able to join them for registration. A member of staff is on the playground until 8.45am. The register is taken at 8:45am.

  • The gates close at 8.45am. Children arriving after this time need to register through the main office and are coded as late (L). The register closes at 9:05am.

  • Any child arriving after 9.05am is marked as U (arrived in school after registration closed unauthorised absence) in the school register.

  • The afternoon register is taken at 1:00pm and remains open until 1:20pm

  • The school day ends at 3.15pm.