We will only use the internet when an adult is with us or we have been given permission.
We will only use safety websites and search engines recommended to us.
We will always ask for help if we get lost or need help.
We will only go on social websites we are legally entitled to use.
We will only send nice messages to people through emails, instant messengers and texts.
We will only send and open messages to people we know and that have been approved by an adult. If we are ever unsure we will ask an adult.
We will always keep our personal information secret. This includes name, address, phone number and passwords.
We will treat other people’s computer files with respect and privacy.
We will not click on anything we are unsure of, or download information unless told to do so.
If we are uncomfortable with anything we will turn the monitor off, or put the lid down if using a laptop and immediately tell an adult.