Becoming the best we can

Clubs and activities

We have a wide range of lunch time and after school clubs covering sports and other activities.  Some are provided by school staff and are free of charge, others are provided by outside agencies who charge a fee to parents. 

Clubs commonly on offer include football, netball, gardening club, choir, tag rugby, Drama, handball, basketball, eco Club, street dance, coding, “rocksteady” music and drama. Clubs are run from year 1 onward.  The newsletter lists clubs for the term.

FCCE After School Clubs for Term 3 2024 2025


It is inevitable that from time to time clubs have to be cancelled at very short notice or children forget that a club is not on. If your child attends a school run after school club please check that the club is on, or let us know if your child is not attending by ringing 01454 867205 after 2pm.

The office will text parents if clubs are cancelled. We are not always made aware of changes in dates to clubs provided by outside agencies.